Step by Step: The Thru-Hike CDT Edition
My Pacific Crest Trail (PCT) thru-hiker name is Brainstorm. In 2023, I completed the PCT after graduating from school—something I had dreamed about since 2015. I remember the earlier years when I would drag my boyfriend up mountains, carrying a pack that weighed over 40-50 lbs. We would usually end up turning back within a few days after making some adjustments and learning along the way. But after finally completing my first successful hike, I now feel incredibly lucky to have all this newfound knowledge.
Remember, every hiker has their way of doing a thru-hike. We all explore the trail in our unique ways, and there’s no one-size-fits-all approach. So, take my advice with a grain of salt. This is my quick guide to preparing for a hike as I get ready for my journey on the Continental Divide Trail (CDT) this April 2025.
Image Source: Paige Combs, “Pacific Crest Trail Southern Terminus,” 2023.
When prepping for a thru-hike, the first question you’ll likely ask is, “What pack weight is manageable for a hike that lasts several months?” Most hikers aim for a base weight between 10-18 lbs. However, you’ll probably find yourself adjusting that weight as you go. To help reduce the risk of injury, it’s important to think carefully about what you really need on the trail. For instance, carrying a physical book might seem tempting, but it’s often considered a luxury item. On the other hand, if you rely on daily medications, that’s something you’ll need to factor in. To help you narrow things down, here’s what I consider before buying gear for my thru-hike:
● Weight, quality, and cost of gear
● Weather conditions it can withstand
● Reviews from thru-hikers (not just backpackers)
● Personal preferences
● Sleep system -> What feels comfortable to sleep on (foam pads are thin but more durable)?
● Food system -> Do I want to cold soak or cook my food?
● Electronics -> Consider technology and equipment I want to bring on trail (phone for music/books/navigation, other camera gear).
● Shelter -> How do I want to feel in different weather conditions to withstand a variety of conditions (snow, rain, sun)?
● Luxury items -> What do I consider to be a luxury on trail, but dare not go without? Are electronics considered a luxury?
Image Source: Paige Combs, “Pacific Crest Trail Osprey Pack,” 2023.
To Bear Can or Not To Bear Can?
There are several reasons why some hikers prefer a bear can over a bear sack. Since certain sections of the trail require bear cans, this decision often comes down to personal preference and hiking style. If you prioritize easy access, safety, and keeping your food dry, a bear can might be the way to go. However, if you’re looking to keep your pack weight lighter, a bear sack could be a better decision. On the PCT, I used a bear can in the required sections and then mailed it ahead to pick up for future sections. When I was not using the bear can, I just relied on a dry sack. On the Sunshine Coast Trail in Canada, I tried using a bear sack. While it’s definitely lighter weight overall, I still prefer the bear can for longer thru-hikes.
For the CDT, I plan to use a bear can from Colorado through Montana. I won’t need it in New Mexico, but I’ll pick it up right before entering the areas where it’s required. Remember, some areas only allow bear cans and not bear sacks, so it’s important to research the specific regulations ahead of time.
Equipment Shortcuts
There are some tips and tricks that you usually won’t learn until you hike your first thru-hike. These are the thru-hiker secrets for reducing your base weight and offering more ease of access.
● Smart bottles or other plastic bottles for drinking water and filtering
● Duct tape on your trekking poles for when you have a new blister or need a quick patch
● Ziplock bag as your wallet (you don’t even really need credit cards these days, maybe one as backup)
● Plastic trash bags make excellent liners for your pack
● Mosquito net or dry sack as your town day bag or to wash your clothes
● Change of clothes for town days, dresses are lightweight and acceptable attire for any human with a body
On trail, you learn that for some items you need to spend the extra money and have good quality gear.
There are various modalities to use on your hike to know if you are going in the right direction. Do not fret. Most people use the application FarOut where you pay for maps that you download off-trail. You can use this as a way to start looking for places you plan to stop at to resupply. Some individuals encourage you to bring a physical hard copy map if something happens to your phone. This depends on your comfort on the trail or section you are hiking. Do what makes you feel safest.
Image Source: Paige Combs, “Pacific Crest Trail Sign SoCal,” 2023.
Additional Preparation
Does your hike require a permit? The PCT has a limited number of spaces offered to hike a thru-hike, but once you are assigned a permit you are fine to hike the entire trail. For the CDT, specific areas of wilderness require permits and all have a variety of methods to apply. I believe it is good practice to at least begin to think about these things 6-8 months in advance so you won’t miss any important deadlines. The best places to look are always the trail associations, such as the Continental Divide Trail Coalition (CDTC) or Pacific Crest Trail Association (PCTA).
Time of Year
Hiking the CDT in December is probably not the best idea. Mountain passes can close, conditions are dangerous, and the weather is harsh—cold and wet. Unless you’re highly experienced and a little bit of a daredevil, it’s better to plan your hike when most others do. Northbound hikers typically start in the spring, while southbound hikers begin in the summer. Make sure to do thorough research on when others hit the trail and take into account that season’s snowpack. You might think you have everything planned out, only to find that you’ll need to adjust your schedule. Wildfires have also become more common these days, adding another unpredictable element. The trail teaches you to be flexible and open to accepting help from others along the way as you work to complete your journey.
One big question I am often asked is, how much money will I need on the trail? The answer really depends on your lifestyle. Personally, I cancel all subscriptions except for the essentials. The money in my bank account is all I have, so I try to spend wisely. You can expect to spend anywhere from $50-100 for each resupply. Town days can add up quickly, especially if you stay in a hotel or motel and eat at restaurants.
One thing I learned fast on the Pacific Crest Trail was to stay at hostels or with trail angels. Not only does it save money, but it helps you build a stronger sense of community. There’s so much generosity on the trail, but it’s important not to take advantage of it. Always offer something in return to your trail angels, whether it’s a payment or a gesture of appreciation. Unless they’re doing it purely out of kindness, which some do! Some people just want to hear your stories. I’ve kept in touch with a few people from my hike, and these relationships are ones I’ll cherish forever.
In short, expect to spend between $5,000 and $10,000 or more, depending on your hiking style. I also had some unexpected medical expenses, so it’s always a good idea to leave room in your budget for emergencies. Worse case scenario, in towns you can dig through hiker boxes to see what goods folks have left behind.
Mileage and Resupplies
Whether you want to hike fast or slow, it’s all up to you. What really matters is considering the time of year, knowing when different resupply locations close, and being realistic about your abilities. Ultimately, it’s your hike. Most hikers complete the trail in about 4 to 7 months, but if you’re new to hiking, make sure to leave extra time for learning and potential injuries.
Personally, I hike anywhere from 15 to 36 miles a day, depending on the day, the section, and the environment. There are a lot of factors to consider, but you’ll figure out what feels right for you as you go. The key is to keep moving forward. As for resupplies, you have three main options:
- Send all resupplies to each point (which means you’re estimating when you arrive)
- Purchase at each location (which means you have more flexibility, but sometimes fewer options if the stores’ supplies are low)
- Combination of both
I think #3 is the sweet spot. Do your research. Lots of people have done this work for you. Halfway Anywhere does a yearly hiker survey for all major U.S. trails and is a great place to get started.
Image Source: Paige Combs, “Pacific Crest Trail Food Spread,” 2023.
What About My Real Life?
Everyone has their own way of approaching a thru-hike. Some people work seasonal jobs and hike during the spring and summer months. Others are retired and living their dream on the trail. Some finish educational programs, like undergraduate or graduate degrees, or are navigating transitions in their personal and professional lives. A few lucky people have jobs that allow them time off to hike. The most important thing is to consider where you are in life and what feels feasible for you.
I have left all my belongings in a friend’s garage during my hikes, and I’ll admit, the uncertainty of not knowing what to do when I return can be stressful. There’s a certain unease when you don’t have a home or a space waiting for you, and I’ll be honest, this part of hiking is tough for me. But I also believe that letting go of control can be a deeply healing experience.
Do you have a baby? You might be surprised to find a blogger who has already done the hard work of figuring out how to hike with a baby, toddler, or young child. We’re in a unique time where more and more people are discovering ways to do the things they love. Don’t let fear hold you back from trying something new.
Image Source: Paige Combs, “Pacific Crest Trail NorCal,” 2023.
Containing Joy
Waiting to start your thru-hike is often the hardest part. Everyone handles big emotions—fear, excitement, overwhelm—differently. For me, staying busy before and after the trail is key for my mental health. On the PCT, I was almost too busy, which made it feel like I was processing everything from the past three years of graduate school. Learning from that experience, I am lucky to have the chance to take some time to process my feelings, give myself space, and offer myself grace before starting the CDT.
I know not everyone has the luxury of this kind of time, but if you can, I highly recommend giving yourself a bit of space before your hike or any major life change. Read some books, go for day hikes, write more, spend time with friends and family, and remember that the best part of your hike is taking the time to enjoy your surroundings.
“Man cannot discover new oceans unless he has the courage to lose sight of the shore.”
– Andre Gide
Whose land am I on? Learn why it’s important to respect the land we travel on.
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Comments 1
As far as I know bear canisters are only required in 2 places in Colorado, RMNP and Maroon Bells. they also allow ursacks, the bells alone, and RMNP with the metal insert, which is what I use for RMNP. As far as I know the CDT only enters RMNP briefly, such that you could easily not spend a night there, as spending a night there would require a hard to get permit. Thus, there is no need for any bear protection in Colorado CDT. I normally sleep with my food here like Andrew Skurka does (~40 nights so far).
no idea what yellowstone/glacier require, but I know they also aren’t needed in the Winds, which is about as far as I get.